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Communication Guidelines

AZADV has defined communication guidelines that must be followed in all verbal and written communications. Verbal communications include those with AZADV individual and organizational members and conference representatives. Written communications include the AZADV website, Facebook page, Facebook group, Symbiosis newsletter, conference paper, etc. AZADV is a great place to share information with fellow docents and volunteers from around the world. We all share a responsibility to keep communication respectful, relevant, and welcoming to all. Official publications should share information that is useful in supporting docents and volunteers as AZADV members and education volunteers.

Examples include:

  • Specific interpretation/teaching approaches and techniques: what your aquarium/zoo is doing to successfully deliver your organization’s message and create a positive visitor/volunteer interaction
  • Species-specific conservation information and updates
  • Global/general conservation information and updates
  • Animal information: fun facts, teaching tips, teaching aids
  • Videos and photos of animal behavior
  • Updates from your aquarium/zoo
  • Inspirational ideas and stories: Aquarium, Zoo or Volunteer successes and recognition, Conservation successes
  • Education Tips: how to convey complex conservation issues such as climate change

Inappropriate content includes:

  • References to religion, religious beliefs, politics, or political beliefs
  • Personal judgements, negative remarks, arguments about right/wrong
  • Derogatory remarks regarding any person, organization or situation
  • Information soliciting donations or requesting petitions or other action for a cause or organization
  • Profanity or disrespectful comments
  • Comments about race, gender, or sexual preference
  • Any information that violates someone’s privacy

AZADV is an organization of volunteers. We share information freely, but all members are reminded that as volunteers they represent their zoo or aquarium, and must adhere to that organization’s guidelines and policies in their roles as volunteers. Also, please remember to protect confidential and proprietary information, and do not share zoo/aquarium news before it is released publicly.